The Robles Family Christmas party was held at the Jensen's home this year. The party was a ton of fun despite the turkey cooker malfunctioning and delaying our meal 1 1/2 hours.
Opening presents is always fun for everyone. Robbie loves his colorful book!

Mom is talking to David and Jackie as she opens their extra special gift.

The kids were all over the place, including the staircase to watch the present opening fun!

Jacob and Natalie can hardly contain their excitement over the splendid wrapping paper!

Julie is in love and doesn't care what is going on!!!! Jordan is such a good sport. He played all of our goofy games and even helped clean up after little kids!

Dad received more presents than he knew what to do with. He had trouble keeping them all together.

Yes, Kami looks super cute at about 6 months pregnant.

These little darlings loved that there was chocolate and candy out on the tables for anyone to eat. They had their fair share and a little more when no one was looking!

Please notice that Mom and Dad are in this picture and that we are playing UNO. Try not to fall out of your chair in shock! They are even having fun playing a family game. Kami was awesome to teach mom the rules of UNO. Later during the day, Mom and Dad even played Apples to Apples. Although they didn't win, (AMY WON 10 TIMES!!!!!), Dad did a great job offending all of the women in the room in one turn and offended Jacob on another turn. It was a funny site to see!!!

Our next stop after dinner was the Mesa Temple. We listened to the musical performance by the Cooley Sisters. Heidi, Madi and Payten enjoyed it so much that they were dancing everywhere. They did pause for a moment to get their priceless picture taken.

Mitchell and Grant tried not to notice all of the beautiful lights....but it was just too hard for them to avoid it!

On Saturday afternoon, Uncle Major and Aunt Ann came over for lunch. Aunt Ann told lots of stories about the Sweeney family history and filled in some of the gaps I had in my family history information. It was a wonderful visit and quite a treat!
We can hardly wait for the next big Robles Family get-together!