Attention: HOTTIE ROBLES Women!!!!
You are Coordinately Invited to the
Robles Women's Vegas Extravaganza!!!!
When You ask?? Well... It is being scheduled for May 13 thru the 16th!!!
Why you ask?? We just thought it would be a fab dab time to celebrate the Birth of Two Brunette Hotties... Amy and Upcoming Robles Hottie...Jacque!
Also for us ladies to celebrate being Mom's and just being well... AWESOME!!!!!

Note: We will need a Definite YES or NO by... April 1st! That way we can reserve the hotel room. We are looking into just all splitting a room... That way, the cost will stay super cheap and give us more money for Shop-a-LOPPING!!!!!!
Happy Day!
You KNOW I will BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait.... I will be saving all my $ for the BIG day..... pedicures and ALL!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH I am SOOO excited!!!!!!
Let me see how much the plane tics cost first!! Start leaving messages on Craig's phone saying why I should go!!! Make sure you tell him how wonderful he is too!! Maybe, he'll let me go!!! His number is 512-785-0928
I really want to go but I will have to bring the kids. :( There is no way to leave them with Bob because of school... Let me know what the price might be first for the hotel room before you count me in....
I'm not able to get away in May. Have a super fun time in Vegas ladies!
Sounds like fun but unfortunately i can't make it. One of my best friends is getting married that weekend and I can't miss it for anything.
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