This morning Jacque and David were sealed in the Mesa, Arizona Temple a little after 10:30am. It was a wonderful service. Here is the happy couple ready to face their future!

This is a magnificent looking bridal party! Wow, so well coordinated. Those men on the right are quite good

All the cute kiddos...I'm guessing that his is how many kids David and
Jacque want to have! What a fun group!

David and his super sisters (a least 4 of his super sisters). Can you believe that Sarah is due in less than 2 months! She is so good an
camouflaging her baby belly!

We all got together at Mimi's Cafe for a
delicious lunch and some time to socialize. It looks like
Jacque and David are debating on which appetizer to have.

David thought he would be a better looking groom if he wore the hat.
Jacque looks splendid in her magnificent dress!

Here is the
Shupe Family enjoying the meal. This is Mom's arm. I think this is the only picture I got of her. Sorry!

Cayden and Camber enjoyed the yummy appetizers!

Sarah's going to be super mad when she finds out I posted this picture and didn't delete it from my camera ;)

Julie and Haley are practicing their mean/disgusted faces. They still need to work on it.

Here are the party crashers, Uncle Brent and Aunt Randee. They decided at the last minute to come in town to the wedding. We are sure glad they came!

Lisa and her girls enjoyed the luncheon with Aunt Brenda.
Kami and Joe came to the party without the three older boys. Look at their SMILES! I think they are loving the time alone together (with baby Ember asleep at their side).

The very pink and cute Camber and
Madi! I think
Madi made her way into
everyone's table. I believe she is the most social one in the family.

Dad was very particular about buttering his fancy restaurant bread.

I never seem to get a good picture of Jacob and Natalie. Sorry! I should really have you pose for the shot next time. I wasn't able to make it around the restaurant to take pictures of everyone but it sure was fun to see you all there!

Here is "Chip-N-Dale's" Robbie! He is standing on the table ready to show us his dancing moves. He is such a sweet little boy!
Wow! Everyone is changing! Can't wait til November!
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