The Robles Family Christmas dinner was held at the Jensen's home this year. The menu included ham, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, brown rice, asparagus, meatballs, Sarah's Super Salad Creation, rolls made by Brent and many, many delicious treats!
Our guests included the beautiful Amy & Julie.

The kids loved being in the backyard. They could eat whenever they wanted plus they could play with snowball game that Aunt Brenda brought.

Many of the "grown-ups" chose to eat indoors. I think everyone at this table has a mouthful of food.

This seems to be the almost "grown-up" table. Seated around the table are Bradly, Mitchell, Perry, Jack, Brandon & Austin. Grant must be away from the table for a moment getting more food!

After stuffing our faces for a long time, we finally opened presents. Aunt Brenda was Santa Clause this year. She had an assortment of gifts for all of the kids. Plus, she had pink scarves for the ladies and decorative Christmas stars for each family.

Ember is such a CUTE little girl. She loved her new Barbie doll and carried it everywhere. The only time she let it go was to trade it for a necklace. Despite having 3 brothers, she is a girlie girl!

The snowflake on Joseph's head blinks a blue light. Joseph is so creative that he attached the snowflake to his hat to light his way.

After opening presents, we headed off to the Mesa Arizona Temple to gawk at the mesmerizing display of lights. Jack is such a great cousin, he carried the appreciative Madison around.

Mom & I were sporting our matching black coats.

I was even able to get a pretty good picture of the temple with the Christmas lights glowing all around and the temple reflected in the pond.

Lastly, on December 31st Dad and Mom will be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary! Congratulations on a wonderful 40 years together! We love you!!!!
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